Monday, May 6, 2013

                             Self Approval

As I finished meditating and writing out my positive aspects this morning, a thought came to me.
"Why does the approval of others matter so much?"
This is something ongoing that I totally work on.
And why do we as people measure ourselves by each others standards?

Things like the way we look, dress, our race, orientation, educational level, where we live, what we think, the list goes on in ways we measure ourselves and each other.
So I asked the Source of myself, how to stop doing this.
Heres what came.

We are all connected coming from the same energy of  "All That Is"

Even though we have our individual expressions before and after we flow thru these physical bodies.

We all made the choice to come and experience the physical experience in our bodies. It was so profound when I learned this from the Abraham teachings.

So the way to stop worrying about peoples approval or measuring ourselves and comparing ourselves to each other is to remember we all came from the same Source. There is no greater nor lesser.

We all choose our journey and make it what we want it to be whether deliberately creating or creating by default.

We can remember our greatness or we can down play ourselves and forget who we are. But it doesn't matter sooner or later on this eternal journey we will know once again that we are all magnificent.  

Remember who you are. You are the only one like you.

SheAh Prince Eternal

Friday, February 22, 2013

                                                           Laugh And Play    

                     Laugh and Play Eternal Being
                     Play amongst the Stars!
                     For that is who you are!

                     Laugh and Play and Why Not?
                     For Your Existence Will Never Stop

                     You Have Always Been and You Will Always Be

                     Experience the Deliciousness  of This
                     Eternal Moment

                     Like an Orgasm That Goes On & On

                     Drink from the Water of the Babbling Brook

                     Bathe in the Waterfalls of Natures Nooks

                     Laugh and Play for That is What You Came
                     Here To Do.

                     Be,You, Do You,and Come Into All Your Glory!

SheAh Prince Eternal

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

                                    True Happiness

The deliciousness of true happiness is sometimes difficult to describe in words. It is a feeling so much more than a verbal expression.
Waking up smiling and laughing and going to sleep doing the same feels sooo good. Snuggling up with my pillows and feeling just as happy as if I were snuggled up with a lover, feels so yummy.

Sometimes I literally laugh out loud when no one is around because Shit! I'm happy!I am happy, happy, happy, and to be totally clear that this surfeit of boundless joy is not coming from anything outside myself simply adds to it. Its an inside job, an alignment with my Source which thrills me endlessly.

Don't get me wrong. There are times when things happen that don't feel good. But its so easy to think about something that feels better because I've practiced it, and I like to feel good so I just make myself feel better and then get back in the vortex, the feel good place, reconnected to my Source. 

At first it was difficult, due to the learned program of one negative thought leading to another and another until the plethora of thoughts that didn't feel good overwhelmed me and I would be sad or angry or just out of sorts, for several hours or even days. Sometimes I would even blame others or try to get someone else to help me feel better. 

But now I realize that it is no one else's responsibility to make me feel good. I take full responsibility for the way I feel. I no longer hold my Mamma, my Daddy, my sisters, my brothers, my children, my lovers, friends, colleagues, or anyone in my life responsible for making me happy. I don't need them for that and they don't need me. Yes we are taught that illusion that we need each other to keep each other feeling good, but we really don't. That fact is proven when we recover against all odds,when that person is no longer there for whatever the reason. 

I have founded a business,"I.A.A.M.", for the sole purpose of sharing the tools of self empowerment and learning to love oneself which I gladly do. Many others also have businesses of self empowerment. But ultimately, only you can make you happy and trust me true and lasting Happiness Feels So Good! Remember You are waiting for YOU!  XOXOXO!

SheAh Prince Eternal

Friday, January 25, 2013

                      My Expansive Dolphin Journey

I expressed to my readers that I would update them on the next leg (what a pun) of the journey. LOL!  So here it is.

To my absolute amazement, this has been one of the most wonderful things that ever happened to me. It is not because I feel we have to experience pain before we can know true joy. But because I have now learned what it is to appreciate contrast. Clearly I know I crashed myself. I know there are no accidents. I realize that when I raised my vibration to the wonderful level I had raised it, and then condemned myself about something I had done, I  severely judged myself. It was like a plane going fast down the runway when suddenly the pilot slames on the brakes and goes backwards. Whoa!!! What a crash and that, my friends, is what I did. Judging ourselves is one of the quickest ways out of the vortex because it takes us out of alignment with our Source. Source Energy is pure positive energy and never sees us as anything negative.

Soooo moving on from here, I know that clearly I am an extension of Source Energy, interacting with myself from the non physical in this physical body. I have the choice of enjoying this journey or not. I now totally understand that I am the creator of my own reality and I get to control what happens to me. I am excited to realize how powerful I am and how magnificent! I blissfully shout from my core in the recognition of who I really am.

As I learn to walk again, I am experiencing the delicious eagerness of a baby. Each step I take is precious and I look forward to the continuous eternal euphoria that I have created and now allow. 

SheAh Prince Eternal