Friday, January 25, 2013

                      My Expansive Dolphin Journey

I expressed to my readers that I would update them on the next leg (what a pun) of the journey. LOL!  So here it is.

To my absolute amazement, this has been one of the most wonderful things that ever happened to me. It is not because I feel we have to experience pain before we can know true joy. But because I have now learned what it is to appreciate contrast. Clearly I know I crashed myself. I know there are no accidents. I realize that when I raised my vibration to the wonderful level I had raised it, and then condemned myself about something I had done, I  severely judged myself. It was like a plane going fast down the runway when suddenly the pilot slames on the brakes and goes backwards. Whoa!!! What a crash and that, my friends, is what I did. Judging ourselves is one of the quickest ways out of the vortex because it takes us out of alignment with our Source. Source Energy is pure positive energy and never sees us as anything negative.

Soooo moving on from here, I know that clearly I am an extension of Source Energy, interacting with myself from the non physical in this physical body. I have the choice of enjoying this journey or not. I now totally understand that I am the creator of my own reality and I get to control what happens to me. I am excited to realize how powerful I am and how magnificent! I blissfully shout from my core in the recognition of who I really am.

As I learn to walk again, I am experiencing the delicious eagerness of a baby. Each step I take is precious and I look forward to the continuous eternal euphoria that I have created and now allow. 

SheAh Prince Eternal