Tuesday, November 13, 2012

                                 The Malibu Dolphin

On August6,2012, I was enjoying a leisurely day at the Malibu beach out by Topanga Canyon in an attempt to cheer myself up. I was clearly out of the vortex due to several events the night before. As I was basking in the sun and enjoying the beautiful ocean, several people excitedly sited dolphins. I jumped up and before I could get my phone set to video I saw it.  Oh my stars, it was the most beautiful dolphin I had ever seen. It was amazing. It literally jumped up out of the water and formed an arc as though it were doing tricks in an aquarium. I must have lost my mind completely. I love dolphins. as a matter of fact I consider myself a dolphin. I ran even faster toward the ocean with the video on my phone now ready. But in my excitement I went too far into the water not realizing it because the waves had receded outward. With lightening speed a huge wave came rushing in and as I turned to run it was too late, the wave hit me with great force. My leg twisted beneath me as I fell. I tried to get up but couldn't so I called for help. The funny thing is I held my iphone up in the air until someone could take it for me. LOL! Two young angelic girls came and tried to help me up but 
only succeeded in dragging me a little ways from the on coming waves. They then went to get my friend. Meanwhile another lady came and at my request took my cell phone and made sure it was nice and dry. My friend called 911 and the paramedics were there within the hour. As they carried me up the hill which was more like a cliff I closed my eyes and visualized them getting me up there safely. They slipped a couple of times but we made it. When I got to emergency they told me there were five other people there that had been injured that day from the forceful waves. I was diagnosed with a tibial plateau fracture. They put a splint on it and I went home with crutches. They didn't put a cast for they suspected I would need surgery and  also because of the way it was broken. It was the beginning of a journey that has been mind boggling. 
Stay tuned.

SheAh Prince Eternal
                                         The Stream of Well Being

The stream of well being never ends. When I realize that I am the stream my capacity to expand never ends. I am the eternal never
ending stream. As I flow through this body my abilities never end. My sense of touch never ends. My sense of smell never ends. Time never ends so it is irrelevant. My desires go on and on. Money is continuous in whatever form it is in. The breath, the air I breathe is never ending.The ocean is infinite.

The stream of well being is everywhere and all around us when we embrace it. What a wonderful discovery! Joy is never ending. Expansion is never ending. Clouds are never ending. The sun in all its brilliance with its radiant light and warmth continue on and on.

At any moment we can look at our lives as something horrible or something wonderful and that ability never ends for we are that amazing stream of well being.

Behold the endless possibilities. Behold the laughter in our souls. Behold the beauty of the harp and every musical instrument which go on and on when we but recall the sound by thinking about it. Behold the inspiration from the non physical which is endless. 

We are the stream from whatever perspective we choose. Isn't it fantastic that we can choose to look at it from positive life lenses and see joy after joy after joy............

We are the steady stream of well being. 

SheAh Prince Eternal

Sunday, April 22, 2012

It Matters Not 

It matters not who loves me or who doesn't.
Because if I worry about whether you love me, I feel so bad when you are in a not so good space and are not showing love for me that I forget how to show love for myself.
And then my love for myself is based on what mood you're in.
I've got to love me 24/7 and it has nothing to do with how you feel about me.
However, because I love myself unconditionally, I love you unconditionally, and that means I do not hold you responsible for how I feel, or to make me happy. I am pure positive Source Energy as we all are, and as long as I remember that, no other relationship is important.
I came here to enjoy myself and I'm here in this body while my Source
cheers me on.
I ain't got it twisted.  Nobody is gonna cheer me all the time. And I don't expect everybody to like me.  I couldn't please everybody
if I tried. But I can choose to align with myself and always be there for me.
I never have to worry about my love for me, it will always be Here.

SheAh Prince Eternal, copyright©2012

Sunday, April 8, 2012

To Make Peace With Myself                                 

This day I breathe, this day I achieve,
I commit to me this day,I commit to the way
to shine, to joy sublime
Connection to me, My Spirit, Who I really Am, Releasing All
No more rejection, now my major objection is to love me,
adore me, honor me ...
And then and only then can I really love you, honor you and adore you,
Whatever it takes, I right now make that commitment to me,
That statement,
That confirmation, Affirmation, Self Determination,
To Make Peace with Myself...
Whatever anybody else thinks of me is not my business...
I This Day
In every conceivable way make Peace with Me.

SheAh Prince Eternal 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

sheahprinceeternal: The Great I AM

sheahprinceeternal: The Great I AM: In the beginning, their was me and I lived in the eternity  of blissful Spirit, Then I came forth to experience many things that I coul...

The Great I AM

In the beginning, their was me and I lived in the eternity 
of blissful Spirit,
Then I came forth to experience many things that I could
not experience without form and matter.
I remember and I forget, I remember and I forget
I am the Great I AM.
I created Me and now I create my world.
I pick and choose between joy and sorrow. I give myself 
happy tomorrows.
I remember and I forget, I remember and I forget
I learn because I choose to, not because I have to. I have 
never done anything wrong for in my world there is 
no wrong.
I remember and I forget, I remember and I forget
I am the Great I AM and that is why it feels so good to be 
the laughing child.
I am free to be me. Joyful freedom is the key to health in my
world and to wealth in my world and to all that I desire.
I remember and I forget, I remember and I forget
I aspire to uplift and inspire "All That Is" collectively,
remembering that uniquely I am the Great I AM.
I cheerfully and gladly uplift you but only you can choose to 
remember or forget that....
You are the Great I AM too!

by SheAh Prince Eternal

Sunday, March 11, 2012

sheahprinceeternal: I Can Choose To Let It Define Me                  ...

sheahprinceeternal: I Can Choose To Let It Define Me                  ...: I Can Choose To Let It Define Me                                  Confine Me,                        Refine Me,                     ...
I Can Choose To Let It Define Me
                                Confine Me, 
                      Refine Me,
                      Outshine Me,

         I Can Choose to Move On and

         Leave It Behind Me !

Copyright @ 2011
by SheAh Prince Eternal